The Idea
With the INNWERK, we want to create a space for creative encounters, professional exchange and solidarity-based help. In addition, together with you, we want to work against the modern throwaway society.
Just TRY IT OUT. Our workshop is not meant to be an exclusive place for professional tinkers. You've never fixed a bike or operated a sewing machine, and the word "chisel" doesn't mean anything to you anyway. No problem, the only things you need are your hands and your curiosity.

Our open workshop is designed to give Passau residents the opportunity to discover the fun of DIY. Often, the biggest hurdle is the initial one. You don't believe in your vague idea yet? Do you think it's too simple or not feasible? Forget about your doubts and come to our workshop with what you have. Here you can further develop your vision, be inspired by your fellow mates and most importantly ... just GET STARTED.
Today, we often know more about how we operate things than how they actually work. Have you ever wondered why your vacuumer runs or how your bicycle shifts from first to second gear? No? Then you will probably feel quite helpless as soon as nothing sucks and nothing shifts any more.
This is YOUR CHANCE! Come by, try it out, let your mates help you and dare to learn something new.

Our Story
Selfmade is more interesting than store bought - Basti and Pepe quickly agreed on that. Just like the fact that none of the rooms in their apartments is big enough for their project ideas.
When the two got wind of an available workshop space in the Innstadt, it was clear: "We're going for it! Passau needs a place where everyone can try their hand at crafts and exchange ideas. And so, the idea of the INNWERK was born.

Creative Network
The INNWERK meant to be a place of exchange. Would you like to work with us and set up a joint project/event?
Dann melde dich bei uns. Wir freuen uns immer über neue Ideen und motivierte Menschen!
Cooperations and Funding